可愛又神奇的機器貓 哆啦A夢
Who is the world’s favorite time-traveling robotic cat? It’s Doraemon, of course. For decades, this lovable character has been teaching kids about important values. Whether it is in the pages of manga comics or on the TV screen, Doraemon never fails to deliver amazement and wonder to audiences everywhere.
The story of Doraemon goes back to 1969, when our hero first started appearing in Japanese magazines. Doraemon’s creator went by the name of Fujiko F Fujio. Actually, this was a pen name used by the pair of illustrators, Hiroshi Fujimoto and Motoo Abiko. These childhood friends both took office jobs when they both started working. However, in 1954, they decided to pursue their dream of becoming manga artists. Hiroshi and Motoo would go on to produce one of the most popular comic book characters of all time. Doraemon originally jumped to the television screen in 1973. Later, from 1979 until 2005, Japan’s favorite cat appeared in nearly 1,800 episodes with his best friend, a young boy named Nobita Nobi.
誰是最受世人喜愛能穿越時空的機器貓?當然是哆啦 A 夢。數十年來,這個可愛的人物一直在教導小朋友重要的價值觀。不論是在日本連環漫畫書中或電視螢光幕上,哆啦 A 夢總是能把驚嘆與神奇帶給各地的觀眾。
哆啦 A 夢的故事要回溯到 1969 年,也就是我們這位英雄首次出現在日本的雜誌上時。哆啦 A 夢的創造者使用的名字是藤子•F•不二雄。事實上,這是兩個插圖畫家共同使用的筆名,也就是藤本弘和安孫子素雄。這兩位孩童時期的好友剛開始工作時,都是上班族。然而,在 1954 年時,他們決定要去追尋當連環漫畫家的夢想。藤本弘和安孫子素雄進而製作出了有史以來最受歡迎的漫畫人物之一。哆啦 A 夢最初是在 1973 年時躍上電視螢光幕的。後來,從 1979 年一直到 2005 年,這隻最受日本人喜愛的貓和牠的少年好友野比大雄一起在將近一千八百集的卡通裡出現。
fail to V 未能/未做到……
Andy has failed to finish his project on time.
wonder [ `wVndK ] n. 驚喜;驚奇
Filled with wonder, the child couldn’t take her eyes off the TV screen.
pursue [ pK`su ] vt. 追求
We’ll team up to pursue a common goal.
話說小時候並不是叫哆啦a夢的... (這樣就會暴露我的年紀